Theatre Studies (history of drama, history of performance, contemporary theatre)

Literary Studies (drama analysis, autobiographical writings)

Gender Studies

Women’s History



1987/88 — 1991/92 — under-graduate studies in the Russian Academy for Theatre Art,

Drama Studies Department

1992/93 — 1994/95 — post-graduate studies in the Russian Academy for Theatre Art

2005/2006 —  MA program in Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Candidate of Sciences, Art Studies, specialization: Theatre Studies. The Degree was awarded March 12, 1996 by the Dissertation Council of the Russian Academy of Theatre Art (certificate KT nr 022093).
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Science of Literature, The Degree was awarded on April 26, 2002, by the Committee for Doctoral Awards of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (certificate no 17.407).

MA in Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest 2006.


Current position (since 2018) — Lise Meitner Fellow, Institute for Cultural Management and Gender Studies, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

1994-2017 —   State Institute for Art Studies, Central European Art Department, a senior researcher, Moscow (Marie Curie Fellowship at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, from September 2013 till August 2015).


  1. Paul Celan Fellowship for Translators, Institute of Human Sciences, Vienna, September-December 2016.
  2. Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, Warsaw, September 2015 – February 2016.
  3. Marie Curie Fellowship, Institute of Literary Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2013, September, — 2015 August.
  4. Open Society Archives, Budapest, Visegrad scholarship, 2 months. 2012
  5. Institute for Theatre Studies, Free University, 2 months DAAD-scholarship, 2008.
  6. Scholarship of National Centre of Culture, Warsaw, 5 months, 2007.


Sept.2015-Feb.2016 – Rituals of Memory in Contemporary Theatre .

2013-2015 – Gender-Sensitive Biography of the Polish Actress Irena Solska, Marie Curie Fellowship, Institute of Literary Studies.

2012-2013: Contemporary Central European Theatre: Document/ary versus Postmemory (coordinator), International Alternative Culture Center, Budapest

2007-2013 Theatre in Russia, Hungary and Poland since 1996.

2005-2007 – biographical research in collaboration with the research project of the Philological Department of Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest, The Age of Symbolism and Avant-Garde in Russian Art.

2002-2005 – Gender Approaches in Witkacy Studies.

2000-2002 – Witkacy and Malinowski.

1996-1998 —   Young Theatre in Central and East Europe, 1985-1995.

1992-1993 – Alternative Theatre in Hungary, 1960-s – 1980-s


  1. International conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Reduta, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, January 18-19, 2019, Paper: Reduta and Irena Solska’s Theatre Ideal.
  2. International Conference Modernist Archives in Context: Periodicals and Performance, November 22-23, 2018, University of Reading, Great Britain. Paper: The Modernist Theatre Paradigm: Re-evaluation of the Female Performers’ Legacy Through the Archival Research.
  3. Conference of the Laboratory of Public History Public History in Russia: Performances of the Past in Theatre and Beyond, November 3-4, 2018, Kazan, Russia. Paper: The Role of Theatre Studies in the Formation of the Memory Culture.
  4. World Congress of International Federation for Theatre Research, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia,  July 9-13, 2018. Paper: Elektra in the Lower Depths? Looking for Hofmannsthal’s Inspirations in the Theatre of his Time.
  5. The12th Conference of the International Federation for Research on Women’s History/ Federation Internationale Pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes (IFRWH/FIRHF), Transnationalisms, Transgressions, Translations: Conversations and Controversies, August 9-12, 2018, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. Paper: Gertrud Eysoldt in the Plays of Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Transgressions vs. Erlösung.
  6. International Conference Arts Lab in Performative Arts: Between a Metaphor and a Practice, The Centre for Studies in History and Culture at the RANEPA School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, October 1-2, 2018. Paper: Cabaret as a Laboratory of the Director’s Theatre? The Case of Reinhardt’s Circle: Gender Dimention. From „Schall und Rauch” to „Elektra” by Hofmannsthal.
  7. International Conference Around 1918:  Empires Split,  Arts Flourish. State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia, April 26-27, 2018: Paper: Images of the Empire in  Der Rosenkavalier” and „Arabella” by Strauss – Hofmannsthal.
  8. Convention and Revolution. Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods. International conference organized by the Institute of Literary Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: Constructions of Parenthood in the Autobiographical Writings of Irena Solska (1875-1958), November 29th– December 1st, 2017
  9. After the Soviet Collapse: Transformations in the Music and Culture of the New Post-Soviet States and Eastern Europe, International Conference organized by Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, UK. Paper: Saint ‘Traviata’. Jan 12-14, 2017.
  10. Tracing Creation, International Conference organized by Didaskalic Imagination, University of Antwerp, Belgium. Paper: Stage Copies of the Plays as Traces of (Performers’) Work on the Text, March 9-11, 2016.
  11. Silence in the Archives: Censorship and Suppression in Women’s Life Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century, International Conference organized by the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, Wolfson College, Oxford, UK. Paper: Weird Censorship: Femme Fatale Is Welcome, No Entry For Bad Mothers, 7th November, 2015.
  12. Witkacy from Modernism to Postmodernism. International conference dedicated to the memory of Zdravko Malic. Zagreb University, Paper: Adriatic See in the Witkacean Hypertext, 22-24 October, 2015.
  13. Around the Witkiewiczes. International Conference, Tatra Museum, Zakopane, Paper: Image of Actress in the Life and Work of Witkiewicz-senior and Witkacy. 14-16 October, 2015,
  14. Oral History in Central-Eastern Europe: Current Research Areas, Challenges And Specificity. International Conference organized by Department of Sociology of Culture, University of Lodz, Polish Oral History Association, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and European Network Remembrance and Solidarity. Paper: On the Usage of the Oral History in the Contemporary Drama, 17-18 September 2015.
  15. The Actress as Author: Nell Gwynn to Ellen Terry, Chawton House Library, Paper: «Irena Solska: Inspiring and Inspired, But Also a Co-Author». 9-10 July, 2015.
  16. Motherhood and Creative Practice: Maternal structures in creative work. International and interdisciplinary conference organized by Centre for Media and Culture Research and School for Art and Creative Industries at South Bank University, London, Paper: Troubled Motherhood: Life and Work of the Polish Actress Irena Solska, 1-2 June, 2015.
  17. Witkacy – What Else Is There to Discover? International conference in the Museum of Central Pomerania, Slupsk, Poland, 2014, September, Paper: Great Actresses Take Lectures of Great Art
  18. Recycling Reality on Stage: Documentary Theatre and Dramaturgy in East-Central Europe, International conference organized by the Contemporary Drama Festival, Budapest, Hungary,2011, December, Paper: Document versus Postmemory: Controversies of Engaging with the Past in the Contemporary Central European Theatre.
  19. International Conference: Beyond Cold War Linearities: Entangled Histories and Interactive Ideas, Open Societies Archives, Budapest, Hungary, December 2009, Paper: East-West and East-East Cultural Contacts via Channels of «Alternative Theatre» (1960-70s)
  20. Twenty Years After – Dramaturgy and Theatre in the Visegrad Countries and in Central-Eastern Europe, international conference organized by the Contemporary Drama Festival, Budapest, Hungary, 2009, November, Paper: The Changing Notions of «Alternative Theatre» and «Repertory Theatre» over Last Two Decades in the Post-Communist Region
  21. 2009 Autumn Plenary Meeting of IETM – International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, Vilnius; Discussion „Languages”, paper on the use of the confessional discourse in the contemporary drama.
  22. 14th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women «Continuities and Changes» June 2008, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, Paper: Studying the History of the Body in the Theatre of the 19-th and Early 20th Century: Case of Irena Solska
  23. Storytelling in Contemporary Theatre. International conference organized by the Drama Department of Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland November 2007. Paper: Autobiographical Storytelling in Verbatim Theatre and Ivan Vyrypaev’s Plays.

List of Academic Publications


  1. Yakubova, (2014). Teatr Èpohi Peremen V Pol’še, Vengrii I Rossii: 1990-e-2010-e Gody [Theatre of the Epoch of Transition in Poland, Hungary and Russia. 1990-s — 2010-s] Moskva: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2014. 376 pp.
  2. Jakubowa, (2010). O Witkacym [About Witkacy], Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badań Literackich. 152 pp.

Further publications:

A) Publications with the peer review process:

  1. Yakubova, (2016). Behind the Scenes: Theatre Women Write to Literary Men, In: New Theatre Quarterly, v.32, Issue 3, pp. 210-230.
  2. Yakubova, (2016). Phantasies of the Restored Innocence: Traces of the Actress Irena Solska (1875-1958) in the Dramas by Jerzy Żuławski (1874-1915), Estetyka i krytyka. The Polish Journal of Aesthetics , 41 (2/2016), p.191-206.
  3. Jakubowa, (2016), Wielkie aktorki pobierają naukę Sztuki przez wielkie S. (Eleonora Duse – D’Annunzio i Irena Solska – Witkacy),  In: Degler, Janusz, ed. Witkacy 2014: co jeszcze jest do odkrycia? Materiały międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej z okazji 75. rocznicy śmierci Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza, Słupsk 17-20 września 2014. Słupsk, Muzeum Pomorza Środkowego w Słupsku. S.369-376.
  4. Jakubowa, (2016), „Obraz aktorki w życiu i twórczości ojca i syna Witkiewiczów”, In: «Rocznik Podhalański» T. 11. S.487-509 .
  5. Jakubova, N. (2016). Jadran u Witkacyevu hipertekstu. In: Witkacy i drugi: zagrebački polonistički doprinosi. Zbornik radova s međunarodnih znanstvenih konferencija Kel ekspresjon grotesk : Witkacy između modernizma i postmodernizma i Zagrebački polonistički doprinosi Treći Malićevi dani, Zagreb, 22.-24. listopada 2015. Zagreb: FF Press.  77-90.
  6. Yakubova, (2016), Ritualy pamiati w polskom i rosiyskom teatre, In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 2016, nr 58,
  7. Yakubova, (2015), “Sezon polski” w Zagrzebiu (1910). Wanda Siemaszkowa i Irena Solska w oczach krytyki chorwackiej. In: Joanna Puzyna-Chojka, Anna Jamrozek-Sowa, eds. Wanda Siemaszkowa i jej teatr. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. 2015. P.80-94.
  8. Jakubova, N. (2015), „Čitajući recenzije učim hrvatski jezik“. Konteksti putovanja Solske i Witkacyja u Hrvatsku 1910. godine. Preveli Miroslav Hrdlička i Ivana Vidović Bolt, Književna smotra,  4, 176(2), str. 111-120.
  9. Kubica, G., Jakubowa N. (2015). Listy Marii Czaplickiej do Lwa Szternberga (co-author: Grażyna Kubica). In: Lud, v.99. P.321-326.
  10. Yakubova, (2010), Kult rasskaza [Cult of the onstage storytelling], in: Voprosy teatra, the quarterly of the State Institute of Art Studies, nr 1-2, p.43-68.
  11. Yakubova, (2010), Antichnost’ v novom polskom teatre. In: Alexey Bartoshevitch, ed. Zapadnoe iskusstvo. XX viek.  [Antiquity in the New Polish Theatre, In: Alexey Bartoschevitch, ed. Western Art. 20th Century.]  Moscow, Rusian Academy of Theatre Art – GITIS, p. 137-174.
  12. Yakubova, (2010), Vyrypaev, a Cultural Cannibal, in: Slavic and Eastern European Performance, volume 30, no.1, p.33-41.
  13. Yakubova, (2008), Reclaiming the Actress’s Authority over Theatre Creation. Autobiography of Polish Actress Irena Solska. In: Aspasia, The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History, 2008, nr 2, p.120-138.
  14. Yakubova, (2003), Bronislaw Malinowski’s Young Polish Diary, or the Story of How a Man Outgrows His Era. In: Toronto Slavic Quarterly, 2003, nr 6.
  15. Jakubowa, (2008) Rev.: Grażyna Kubica, Siostry Malinowskiego, czyli kobiety nowoczesne na początku XX wieku. (Kraków 2006). [Review of the book by Grażyna Kubica Malinowski’s Sisters, Or Modern Women in the Beginning of the 20th Century] In: Pamiętnik literacki. A Quarterly on the History and Criticism of the Polish Literature (4/2008), p.237-240.
  16. Yakubova, (2008), Witkacy: teatr i yego dvoynik. In: Poskoe iskusstvo i literatura. Ot simbolizma k avangardu. [Witkacy: Theatre And Its Double. In: Polish Art and Literature. From Symbolism To Avantguard. .] St.Petersburg, Aleteia. S.236-252.
  17. Yakubova, (2005), Molchanie v filmah Miklosha Jancso [Silence in Films by Miklos Jancso] In: Igor Svetlov, ed., Sovremennoe vengerskoe iskusstvo i literatura. [Contemporary Art and Literature of Hungary ]  Saint-Petersburg, Aleteia, 2005. P.525-550.
  18. Yakubova, (2005), Dva cveta vremeni: Woyzeck Sandora Zsotera i W Arpada Schillinga [Two Colours of the Time: Woyzeck directed by Sandor Zsoter and W by Arpad Schilling]    In: Igor Svetlov, ed., Sovremennoe vengerskoe iskusstvo i literatura.  [Contemporary Art and Literature of Hungary ]  Saint-Petersburg, Aleteia. P.578-591.
  19. Jakubowa, (2002), Język „prawdziwych zakopiańczyków” w „Dzienniku” Bronisława Malinowskiego [The Language of the „True Zakopaneans” in the Diary of Bronislaw Malinowski ] In: Pamiętnik literacki , p.155-172.
  20. Yakubova, (2000), Molodoy teatr v Tsentral’noy i Vostochnoy Yevrope. In: Dvadtsatyy vek i puti yevropeyskoy kul’tury. [Young Theatre in Central and Eastern Europe. In: 20th Century and the Ways of the European Culture.] Moscow, Gosudarstvenny Institut Iskusstvoznania. P.294-320.
  21. Yakubova, (1998),Witkacy: teatr i yego dvoynik In: Sovremennoye pol’skoye iskusstvo i literatura. Ot simvolizma k avangardu [Witkacy: Theatre And Its Double. In: Contemporary Polish Art and Literature. From Symbolism To Avantguard. ] Moscow, Gosudarstvenny Institut Iskusstvoznaniya, P.168-184.
  22. Yakubova, (1996), Sud’by al’ternativnogo teatra v Vengrii. In: Sovremennyye tvorcheskiye protsessy i puti yevropeyskoy kul’turnoy integratsii (materialy konferentsii, 1999 god). [Ways of the Alternative Theatre in Hungary. In: Contemporary Creative Processes And the Ways of the European Cultural Integration (Conference Proceedings, 1995)]. Moscow, Gosudarstvenny Institut Iskusstvoznaniya. P.88-92.
  23. Yakubova, (1996), Problemy vzaimootnosheniy moderna i avangarda (na primere tvorchestva S.I.Vitkevicha). In: Khudozhestvennye processy i napravleniya v iskusstve stran Vostochnoy Yevropy. 20-30-ye gody XX veka. [Problems of the Relations between the Modernism and Avantguard (on the Example of S.I.Witkiewicz). In: Artistic Processes and Movements in the Art of East Europe. 1920-30-s.] Moscow, Gosudarstvenny Institut Iskusstvoznaniya. C.168-178.
  24. Yakubova, (1994). Vengerskiy “al’ternativnyy teatr”. In: Vlast’ i intelligentsiya (Iz opyta poslevoyennogo razvitiya stran Vostochnoy Yevropy) Vyp. 2. Moskva, Institut slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki RAN [Hungarian „Alternative Theatre” In: Power and Intelligentsia (From the Experience of the Post-War Development of the East European Countries) V. 2. Мoscow, Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences]. P. 79-107.
  25. Yakubova, (1993), Esteticheskiy ideal Vitkatsiya i sud’ba khudozhnika v yego dramakh.  In: Literaturnyy avangard. Osobennosti razvitiya. Moskva, Institut slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki RAN, [ Witkacy’s Esthetical Ideal and the Fate of the Artist in His Dramas. In: Avantguard in Literature. Particularities of the Development.  Moscow, Institute of Slavic and Balkan Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences ]. p.78-90.
  26. Yakubova, (1990), Lyubimovskaya “Trekhgroshovaya” v Budapeshte In:  Brecht — klassik XX veka. Materialy Brekhtovskogo dialoga 1988-1990 [Opera of Three Pennies staged by Lyubimov in Budapest.  In:  Brecht, the Classic Author of the 20th century. Mateirials of Brechtian Dialogue 1988-1990. [ Moscow, Vsesoyuzny Nauchno-issledovatelsky institut iskusstvoznaniya,  ]. C.112-124.

B) Publications without peer review process

  1. Yakubova, (2019), Gertrud Eysoldt: „Demonicheskaya zhenshchina” u kolybeli rezhisserskogo teatra [Gertrud Eysoldt: „A Demonic Woman at the Cradle of the Director’s Theatre]. In: Teatr, 2018/33, p.108-115.
  2. Yakubova, (2015), Irena Solska, In: Teatr, nr 19, p.74-81.
  3. Yakubova, (2014),Teatralnaya revoluciya i gender.[Theatre Revolution and Gender] In: Teatr, 2014/16, p.157-163, 2014/18, p.216-227.
  4. Yakubova, (2012), Bela Pinter. In: Sovremennaya dramaturgia, nr 2, p.193-198.
  5. Yakubova, (2010), Katarzyna Osinska. Rossiiskii teatr XX vieka. Review of the book by Katarzyna Osinska Teatr rosyjski XX wieku wobec tradycji. Kontynuacje, zerwania, transformacje In: Scena, nr 6.
  6. Yakubova, (2008), Book review: Pol’skaya kul’tura v zerkale vekov [Rev.: Polish culture in the mirror of the centuries, ed. I.Svetlov. Moscow, Materik, 2007] Novaya Polsha, 2008/6.
  7. Yakubova, (2007), Proniknut’ v skazku moderna. Retsenziya: Larisa Ivanovna Tananayeva. Tri lika pol’skogo moderna. Vyspyanskiy. Mal’chevskiy. Mehoffer. Sankt-Peterburg, “Aleteia”,2006 [To enter the fairy tale of fin-de-sciecle. Rev.: Larissa Ivanovna Tananaeva. Three facets of Polish fin-de-sciecle. St-Petersburg, Aleteia, 2006] In: Novaya Polsha, 2007, № 11.
  8. Yakubova, (2007), Arpad Schilling: do i posle, a takzhe tem vremenem, In: Peterburgskiy teatral’nyy zhurnal, № 47
  9. Yakubova, (2002), Avant-guard in the Theatre of Central and Eastern Europe: Changes of the Notion in the Period of Transition. In: Avanguardie nel mondo: Che fine hanno fatto? – Avantguard muveszetek a vilagban: Mi lett a sorsuk? – Avant-garde Arts in the World: What about Them? Budapest, Instituto italiano di cultura. P.158-163. [Proceedings of the conference]
  10. Jakubowa, (2001), Witkacego szkoła ironii. In: Dialog (Warszawa), 11/2001, p. S. 160-168.
  11. Jakubowa, (2001), Zakopane, immer Zakopane… In: Didaskalia, 43,p. 133-136.
  12. Jakubova, (2000), A fiatal szinhaz Kozep- ls Kelet-Europaban (1985-95) In: Vilagszinhaz, 2000/1-2.
  13. Jakubowa, (2000), Reinterpretacja mlodopolskich symboli przestrzennych w dramatach Witkacego In: Witkacy. Materiały sesji poświęconej Stanisławowi Ignacemu Witkiewiczowi z okazji 60 rocznicy śmierci (Muzeum Pomorza Środkowego, Słupsk, wrzesien 1999). Slupsk, Muzeum Pomorza Środkowego. S.65-74.[Proceedings of the conference]
  14. Yakubova, (1997), Krystian Lupa: rezhisserskaya dramaturgiya epokhi Mezhvremen’ya. In : Sovremennaya dramaturgiya, 1997, October-December. P.188-194.
  15. Jakubowa, (1996),Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz w batalionie zapasowym Pawłowskiego Pułku Lejb-Gwardii In: Witkacy. Życie i twórczość. Materiały sesji poświęconej Stanisławowi Ignacemu Witkiewiczowi z okazji 55 rocznicy śmierci (Muzeum Pomorza Środkowego, Słupsk, 16-18 września 1994). Wrocław, Wiedza o kulturze. [Proceedings of the conference]
  16. Yakubova, (1996), Witkacy. Boy s ten’yu. In: Moskovsky nabludatel, 1996, № 3-4.
© Copyright – Наталия Якубова