Gertrud Eysoldt: „demonicheskaya zhenshchina” u kolibeli rezhisserskogo teatra
In: Teatr, 2018, nr 33. P.108-115
The text published in the special issue on „alternative theatre history” analyses the critics’ strategies in relation to such characters created by Gertrud Eysoldt as Lulu, Salome and Elektra, as well as the role the meeting with Hugo von Hofmannsthal played in the career of the actress. The reviewers partly praised Eysoldt for the intellectualism of such roles as Lulu and Salome, partly were afraid of it and demonized it. As for Hofmannsthal, another Eysoldt’s role became important for him: Nastya in Gorki’s „Lower Depths”. It is worth, however, to raise the question about the shift to „archaization” and „mythologization” which Hofmannsthal proposed with his play. Later on, the roles he wrote for Eysoldt had rather confining character.